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Tag: foreach

Get out of a foreach [closed]

My C++ teacher once told me that if I have to use a break to get out of a loop I didn’t think enough about the loop condition. So did she (very good teacher btw) just fail to mention that foreach …

PHP foreach not looping

I’m new in programming and just started php like two months ago. So far I seemed to understand it more and more. But now I am stumped. I have a foreach loop that won’t loop through the array I’m feeding it. I have checked the syntax and logic over and over again and can’t find the problem. I’m probably doing

Merge an array value with another array

I Have 2 arrays: I am looking to merge both of them to get the below result using foreach: So the result will be displayed like: Answer You need to keep a running integer count of the key offset to be able to get the same index from $values; we’re doing this here by looping over the keys and using

PHP wrong foreach code

What I have done wrong, foreach code written below, but it seems not working: What I have to change in this foreach code? Thanks Answer first line, custom is not a variable (could be copy and paste error) Then you are splitting a string using can array operator, you need to split that string first using: Then, you have declared

Why php generator is slower than an array?

According to comments from documentation: We can see that thanks to generators there is huge memory usage improvement (which is obvious), but there is also 2-3 times slower execution – and that is not so obvious to me. We gain memory usage improvement at the expense of time – which is not fine. So, why is php generator slower
