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Tag: for-loop

PHP for loop only works every second row

in my current project I want to split 10 users from a queue into 2 teams with 5 users each. When 10 users are in the queue the function create_new_lobby() is executed. In this function the match is …

How to Mange IF and Else In Forloop with Json empty Data

I am looking for if { “name”: “Morris Holmes”, “occupation”: “programmer”, “country”: “” } When country”: “” string is empty on that time don’t run function because is not good for SEO. empty <td></td> td tag How to manage if and else part Answer Use following code

PHP MYSQL Results into a table

I have a PHP/MySQL query that returns the following: The months return in an ordered fashion (E.g. January records are always before February records). However, not every user will have a result every month (see above). And I want my data to present such as this, in an html table: Here is my (non working) attempt: Which unfortunately results in
