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Tag: file-get-contents

How to access content from multiple files

Is there any way that I can add the content of multiple files then put the combined values into one file? I am currently trying this: Answer include is for code, not for content. In your case you have to use file_get_contents so you can save the returned value. include will not give you that value. include() Handling Returns: include

file_get_contents seems to add extra returns to the data

Hi I am trying to run a simple php file open, replace, and save. Here is my code: My file opens, does the replace, and saves the file. But when I opened the file I noticed that there was an extra line return after every item that previously had only one line return. I tested printing out the data directly

PHP: file_get_contents a PHP file with include();

I have a PHP Script that calls a master PHP template (acts as HTML template) with file_get_contents, replaces a few words from it and then saves the final file as another PHP in a directory. But the master PHP template itself has include(); and require_once(); in it and the saved file after replacing the words doesn’t load the files called

PHP cURL vs file_get_contents

How do these two pieces of code differ when accessing a REST API? and They both produce the same result, judging by Answer file_get_contents() is a simple screwdriver. Great for simple GET requests where the header, HTTP request method, timeout, cookiejar, redirects, and other important things do not matter. fopen() with a stream context or cURL with setopt are powerdrills

Sanitize user-supplied URL for file_get_contents

I want to use file_get_contents to implement a proxy so I can do cross domain AJAX requests. Query string will be used to supply the URL to file_get_contents. Now the problem is people can muck around with the query string in order to read local files on the server. I don’t want this. Can someone get me a function to
