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Tag: facebook-graph-api

“Invalid platform app” error using Instagram Basic Display API

I am trying to use Instagram Basic display API but when I post the authorization code to get the access token I keep getting the following error {“error_type”: “OAuthException”, “code”: 400, “error_message”: “Invalid platform app”} I am following all the steps mentioned here -> and Yes I am using the Instagram app ID and It’s client secret which is

403 forbidden error while sending messages to facebook connector through Unification Engine API

I am using unification engine #unificationengine API to post message on facebook. I followed all the steps and created connections to use connectors. All the curl requests are working fine till send message. In every curl from create user, create connection, connection refresh I am getting {‘status’:200,’info’:’ok’} And now I want to use the connector to post message on facebook.

Facebook Open Graph, required property ‘og:title’ of type ‘string’ was not provided

I have a Joomla-page (v3.2.4) where I put in some dynamic Open Graph tags with PHP, like this: The PHP, before the tag: And in my tag I have this: When I run the page through the Facebook Object Debugger, I get the following two errors: Object at URL ‘’ of type ‘website’ is invalid because a required property ‘og:title’

Facebook Graph API PHP SDK v4 – Post on Page

I wanna give all my website authors a possiblity to post their articles on our facebook page without having go give them admin access to it. So i created a simple form, where the author types in: URL, URL to image, message On submit, this form will send a ajax request to facebook.php where the magic “should” happen. The first
