I need to convert an array with multiple results to a CSV file but am struggling to get a valid output . After some debugging I realized I am not generating a valid array list for fputcsv to iterate …
Tag: export-to-csv
When trying to export this array as a CSV file in php I get an empty sheet
I have this array, and I want to convert it into a CSV file, the problem, is that the array does not generate a csv properly, but just empty fields, why? Here’s my array contents (the array that I’m printing here is $listaParaCSV, as the code shown below): And here is my code (the variables $listaFechas and $paraCSV are arrays
WooCommerce Order Export: Get custom data per line item
I’m using the “WooCommerce Customer / Order / Coupon Export” plugin to export my orders as a CSV file. I’m exporting the orders in a one row per item format. This means that every order has multiple lines. One line per order item. Now I want to add some extra data to every line item. For example the author (in
Save CSV Export to Server
I have the code below which triggers when a button is pressed in the WordPress admin panel. This opens a csv file called ‘ss-stock-export.csv’. How can I save this file to my server in my uploads directory at wp-content/uploads/exports/? I tried to use file_put_contents but that doesn’t seem to be working right. The CSV file appears in the right spot