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Tag: encryption

AES-256-GCM unavailable in PHP ext-sodium on M1 Macbook

Recently at work we’ve had a new hire to work on a project of ours that utilizes AES-256-GCM encryption and decryption via PHP’s sodium extension. Since we all use Macbooks, the new employee received a 2020 Macbook Pro with M1 chip. The first attempt at getting the aforementioned project up and running was using a HomeBrew setup, which runs the

AES/CBC/PKCS5 Padding | Alternate to mcrypt_get_block_size() in Php OpenSSL

Problem Statement: I’m trying to integrate API which AES/CBC/PKCS5 Padding. After some research I found the implementation on following article. However, In this article there were using mcrypt which is deprecated and removed from PHP 7.2. Hence, I’m looking to modify above implementation in openssl. There is function pkcs5_pad for PKCS5 padding the data which require parameter as data and

openssl_encrypt aes 256 with hash in java

From the php encryption function below: the result of encryption is MyFTCJx8RPzOx7h8QNxEtQgeiNIRwnrJ+uc0V70= And I have try to write this function in Java like this: The result is amF2YXguY3J5cHRvLnNwZYUmrJNv8ycvLua0O9g= Why my java function return the different result from php? And how do I fix the java function to get the same result with php? Thank you. Answer The IV is determined

Decrypt Crypto-js encrypted text with key with PHP

I’m using Crypto-js for encrypting password with a key and send it to server. I want to decrypt it in server using PHP. How this can be done? JS: Encrypted text: U2FsdGVkX1+EaW3J1GE1k/EU5h6C+nxBH364Xhez+b0= PHP: Result: string(32) “����>���s��ȡ�V?E��M���I” I’m getting weird results here. Answer The following solution is not from my side but from @Artjom B., so all credits go to him.
