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Tag: eloquent

Undefined index , Unable to fetch columns- Laravel

In the above code, Notifications is the model Name. Getting the error Undefined index: notificationTypeName when trying to access column notificationTypeName of the array $data. dd($data) gives an ouput as below: Answer The all method returns the underlying array represented by the collection: see this : so try with this: with foreach

Use explode on array?

What’s the easiest way to turn the array into Is there something built-in with laravel/collections that I can use? I know I can make a foreach loop and use explode and populate a new array, but I’m wondering if there is a built-in function in PHP or a laravel collections method I can use. Answer I think you’re looking for

Class not found laravel 8 only on production

Hello I’m new to Laravel and Eloquent, all I found about this problems it that it can by Case sensitivity problems but I can’t find any case problems. :Error message Class “AppModelsTvEpisode” not found I’m trying to get UserTvEpisode list to view it works fine in localhost (using Windows), but not on production server in throws an error that the

Update() in Laravel does not seem to be working

I’m working with Laravel 5.8 to develop my project and I have this table which shows some data from the DB: As you can see there’s a link named Edit for editing these data, so when someone clicks on that, this method runs: I have also added this form for updating the data sent to the edit.blade.php: And here is
