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Tag: dql

Error: Expected Literal, got ‘*’ in Doctrine

I want to retrieve the number of rows in my courrier table. In my fixtures, I have these lines : I have these mistakes when I do symfony console doctrine:fixtures:load : What’s wrong with the * in my query ? Answer Doctrine expects you to use one of the fields of your entity. In SQL you don’t need to use

DQL with between – string date – PHP

I am trying to do a sql with between. The date data is entered first as a string. Any help with this question? Answer The string is dd/mm/yyyy At the final you will get date like 2021-09-28 and now we can do a between with actual date 2021-10-01 after this you can see the sentence in DB with dd($query->getSQL()); function

Symfony 5 queryBuilder count data

in one of my queries I am joining three tables to allow me to filter by taking into account these three tables. The problem is when I do a counter of the data from the main table (CV table), like I join the language table (ManyToMany), the categories table and the diploma table (manyToMany), when I do a counter of
