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Tag: css

PHP, WordWrap how to cut only text and don’t cut html code

i have a problem. I have to use the wordwrap function to not go too far with the text in a table. I inserted wordwrap and it worked fine but now that I also have to insert some html code I have a problem. The wordwrap function cuts my html code (for example span cuts it to me in sp

Subscript in PHP and Loops

I am using ACF and PHP to create a WordPress website currently working through basically a loop and looking to connect a subscript and a tag by an ID that needs to have a counter increment on it so that the ID can change from #footnote-top-1 to #footnote-top-2, #footnote-top-3, etc and have the link also change. , . If so

Using JS variable as the property of HTML input Form

I have a form which have two field “optin” and “Qty”.The quantity field of the form accept the number.The minimum number which can be entered in this field(QTY) depends upon the the value of the Option field i.e. If the option fiels value is red then the minimum value propert of the Qty field should be 5 and if it

Add class to loop iteration php

I’m stumped here. I have six CSS classes that I want to dynamically apply to my loop. grid1,grid2,grid3,grid4,grid5,grid6 How do I apply that when I run on the 7th iteration it would apply “grid1” and so and so forth? What would be the best way? Answer The easiest and imo cleanest way to achieve this would be to use the

Getting id from a textarea in a while loop in PHP for updating in mysql

I have a table where is one week displayed (each row is one day). I get the rows from a while loop from my database. The rows are displayed in bootstrap accordions. There is a textarea in every accordion row where the user can input (update) some text. I want to update this text into my database. It should update

Submit Contact Responses To email

I am using to build my website, however, has a server named HTML/CSS/JS and it does not support PHP which is mainly used to submit contact responses to email. The website is built in the HTML/CSS/JS Server. So I cannot use PHP to submit contact responses to email. Is there an alternate way of doing it with Node.js?

Images not loading in CodeIgniter, image path correct error 403

I have an application where I save the image path in the database. I have a method Uploads //base url is $config[‘base_url’] = ‘https://localhost/salon’; $path is taken from the image This is how i set the background image. The error I get is 403 forbidden access when I try to open the image. I also tried echo out the src

JS Regex named groups with replace()

In JS, I’m trying to build an object from the below code. However I’m stuck at getting regex named groups with the below replace function. NOTE: What I’m trying to do is, Select characters from str variable from “:” to “,” and replace it with formatters values. Then make the string an object. Answer Regex Demo
