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Tag: content-management-system

Removing an Modx extra manually

I have installed a few extras via Installer but removed them later. However, Installer has not been able to remove them successfully. For example, site log is now full of error messages of partially installed/removed extras. How could I remove manually all traces of these extras? Where is the data stored? Answer Removing the value {locator”:{“path”:”[[++core_path]]components/locator/model/”} from extension_packages system setting

Check the documentation for the version of MariaDB you are using for the correct syntax around ‘DESC LIMIT 1) LIMIT 0, 50’ on line 1

Why is this request incorrect? MySQL answer: Documentation 1064 – You have an error in your request. Check the documentation for the version of MariaDB you are using for the correct syntax around ‘DESC LIMIT 1) LIMIT 0, 50’ on line 1 Answer For sorting in descending order you need to use: ORDER BY keyword Your query should be like

Where do I install the Pico CMS files?

The install docs for PicoCMS say First download and extract the latest version of Pico. Upload the files to your server (via FTP or some other deployment). That’s it. Tweak the .htaccess file if required. For step 2, into which folder do I upload/copy the files? There’s several choices for us novices! On my Windows/XAMPP setup, copying the files into

DBM or SQLite in PHP 5.x

We have a client whose site is hosted on a server (I don’t want to disclose hosting company name) which does not provide DB functionality. We have developed a very simple CMS based site but out implementation uses MySQL. I read somewhere that there are DB like functionality built-in in PHP. I have never used them. What are these and

Which additional securities do you add to your open source cms installations? [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it can be answered with facts and citations by editing this post. Closed 1 year ago. Improve this question I know that being open source does not necessarily makes a program more/less secure than closed source (let’s assume this neutrality,
