I’m sending 2 datas with same name at the front side like this And then I’m trying to store that value in my database through my model methods in codeigniter 3 This is what I was doing before with just 1 data But now that im dealing with more input data i dont know how to handle it im storing
Tag: codeigniter-3
How to order by use in codeigniter
My table data is like that ID NAME order 1 English 0 2 Italian 1 3 Spanish 2 4 Hindi 1 5 Bengali 3 6 Tamil 2 my query I want data like this order-1,1,2,2,3,0 ID NAME order 2 Italian 1 4 Hindi 1 3 Spanish 2 6 Tamil 2 5 Bengali 3 1 English 0 Answer Try this:
Why can’t I export MySQL table values as a CSV file in this Codeigniter application?
I have been developing a blogging application with CodeIgniter 3.1.8 and Twig. The application has a newsletter subscription system. I make use of a table named newsletter with 3 columns: id, email and subscription_date. In the class Subscribers controller, I have created an export() method intend to export subscribers as a CSV file: In the Newsletter_model model: The export form:
Searching by name and date between codeigniter 4
Hello everyone I’m creating report through the fetched data, I created search based on category, amount and date between. But the problem is that, If I entered category and trigger the search button I get the data, And If I set the dates between to range it aslo returning the data. But if I set both category and dates between
Unlink file – path issue – Codeigniter
Apparently, I am confused how to use site_url() while deleting a file. My site_url responded with http://localhost/Project/index.php For deleting a file, I use unlink command. However, How to use site_url into the unlink command in codeigniter. I am surprised! Below is the path where the uploaded files get stored! I have used the following: Message: unlink(C:/xampp/htdocs/NetSach/assets/images/sweepers cartoon.jpg): No such file
What causes this failure to get the data from the next row in a MySQL table, with Codeigniter 3?
I am working on an online newspaper/blogging application with CodeIgniter 3.1.8 and Bootstrap 4. At the bottom of the single post view, I want to add a link to the next post (as well as one to the …
CodeIgniter application 3 bug: pagination does not render properly for search results?
I am working on a online newspaper/blogging application with CodeIgniter 3.1.8 and Bootstrap 4. I have separated the application’s back-end (dashboard) from its front-end and used Twig for the front-end views and adding theming. I thought it was a good idea to add a search functionality for the back-end, for ease of navigating through one’s own posts (articles). In my
Printing a nested array on View | Codeigniter
I’m building a cart using sessions, I’m adding each pizza to an array and passing to the session. The array is as follows, I was able to display the item id, pizza name, price, and quantity But cannot figure out to display the topping names user has selected in the Toppings column.How should I do this> View The following code
CodeIgniter 3 not returning false in case of a DB query error
I have read as many related answers on SO related to this error I’m getting. However, NO question (or answer) is about CodeIgniter’s DB active query class returning FALSE when it SHOULD (since an …
What causes the error “Can’t use method return value in write context” in this Codeigniter 3 application?
I am working on a Social Network application with Codeigniter 3, Ion-Auth and Bootstrap 4. You can see the Github repo HERE. When editing a user’s profile, I check if there is a new user photo (avatar) in the edit form. If it is, I use it, if not I use (keep) the one already existing in the users table