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Tag: code-snippets

Get parameter of shortcode in Insert PHP Code Snippet plugin using ACF repeater

Everybody hello! I’m sorry for asking such kind easy question, I’m pretty new at this. I have problem with transfering parameter value and echoing it to itself. PHP code snippet on page: [xyz-ips snippet=”Generating-content” paramSet=”1″] Inside ‘generating content’: Right now I need to change condition if($sub_value == 1) to if($sub_value == “PARAMETER VALUE”) Please help, guys! Answer Thank you guys

Disable Right Click on WordPress Site

I wanted to disable right click on my wordpress site. I have written a small snippet and inserted into body which disables right click, CTRL events and keyups. but it is annoying when I want to copy something on site. is there a way I can modify the current snippet like only logged in users would be able to access
