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Tag: apache

How do I get the local IP address of the server using PHP?

I am developing a PHP application that will be run only on the local network of a business. The application will be installed to the server using a custom installer like thing we made using Stunnix Advanced Webserver. As part of making the application more user friendly I am planning to display the LOCAL IP of the server so that

Custom Error 403 Page PHP

I created a .htaccess inside a directory in which I don’t want the files to be directly accessed. It works and fires the default 403 page (Access forbidden!) of the Apache server. How can I create a custom 403 page? Thanks! Answer In your .htaccess file you can specify what document you want as your default 403 error document. Here

How to ban all executable files on Apache

I would like to find out the most effective way to ban any executable files from one specific sub folder on my server. I allow file uploads by users into that folder, and would like to make that folder accessible from the web. I have the root folder pretty much locked down with mod_rewrite. In that one unprotected sub-folder I

SSL Connection Reset

I am attempting to connect to an HTTPS endpoint in Java. Every method I have tried (more details below) ends up generating this stack trace: I have tried: Connecting with the javax SOAP libs and a new URL(“https://…”) Connecting with new URL(“https://…”).openConnection() Creating an SSL connection by hand: A few more details: Every method I have tried has worked against

PHP Warning: Unknown: failed to open stream

I edited the apache httpd.conf file recently for the mod_rewrite to work. I don’t know if this problem originated from that or not, but i’m getting this problem from that day. This is what I see on the frontend when I run the software – Server error The website encountered an error while retrieving http://localhost/prestashop/. It may be down for

The PHP error log has stopped working. It did work

It’s been working for ages and stopped. I must be missing something obvious. File /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini relevant settings are: In my code I have: I see “About to log” on the page, but nothing in the error log. How can I fix this? Answer Restart the Web server. Until you do php.ini changes are not considered. Also, if you want to

How to enable gzip?

I have found a couple of tutorials on how to enable gzip, but nothing seems to be working for me, so my question is how do i enable gzip. I am on a shared Dreamhost hosting server, It is running PHP …
