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Tag: angular

how to call php mail file inside angular project?

I have created single page application using angular which contains contact form. for contact form i have used php mail function. I’m keeping that php file inside assets folder of angular project. I am using angular HTTPCLIENT module to call that contact php file using below code in component: Service Code: I am trying to post the contact form. it’s

Unable to post angular form data using web api

contact.component.html contact.component.ts api.service.ts create.php I am new in angular and I am simply trying to insert angular form data in mysql using web api. Now, What happen here when I try to read data from database it work perfectly and all data are showing in my console. But when I fill form data then it throw an error as mention

Get data passed as queryparams from Angular in Php?

If i am sending data in query params from angular application i need to get those data in php from url. I am not familiar to php. Can anyone help me out yr? Answer Pass a link in url for testing let say localhost/test/test.php?

Angular – PHP -> send mail null php values

I need help in my code, I’m trying to send a FormData from Angular to PHP and later send a mail, always appears the PHP vars empty, I’m doing something wrong and doesn’t see what On the HTML use formGroup and ngSubmit My HTML code: On the Ts use the FormControl Validators and the to pass the data to

Angular file input, How to get file on php?

I have recived all the infromation by my form, but I can´t get the name or size of the input file, so i can´t use $_FILES by php HTML – input file Angular – Add file input to form (formaA : FormGroup) Angular – Create request Angular – Send request Web – Json request PHP – Try to get the

Angular and date from PHP InvalidPipeArgument: ‘Unable to convert “[object Object]” into a date’ for pipe ‘DatePipe’

I have application written in Angular 9 and api written in PHP. From controller in PHP I return list of objects with property finishDate. In PHP finishDate is assign to DateTime: TimeSheetsOrderDTO in TypeScript: In TypeScript (Angular) I see data from controller as below: I want to display finishDate in html. When I have code like this: I see: When
