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Tag: ajax

Create and Call a JavaScript Function in PHP

I have just started learning how to create web applications in PHP after migrating from ASP.NET. I wanted to know how to integrate JavaScript with PHP. For example, there is a Home.php page that resides in the website’s root folder. The page has an HTML button on it and a simple JavaScript function that contains code for a pop-up window

Progress bar AJAX and PHP

I want to create a progress bar for a server-side task ( written in php ) For learning purposes the example and task would be very simplistic. I would have a text field on the client page, read a number, pass it to the php script with ajax and make it calculate the sum of all numbers from 0 to

AJAX function in the widget class

I created a WordPress Widget which get the recent posts, first get a specific number of posts, then there is a button to get more posts by AJAX. The full Widget code And this is the AJAX code to get ajaxloadMore function output and append to the ul tag How to get $catid and $number variables from the function widget

How to check if the request is an AJAX request with PHP

I would like to check server-side if a request to my php page is an ajax request or not. I saw two ways to do this: First way: sending a GET parameter in the request which tells the page that this is an AJAX request (=mypage.php?ajax) mypage.php: Second way: set a header to the xmlHttpRequest: client-side js: mypage.php: The fact

How to pass variable via AJAX / jQuery?

I would like to know how do I pass a variable to another php-file via AJAX? The variable that has to be passed is called: The problem is that my form in ‘pm_form.php’ has no access to the variable ‘$id’. My script looks like this (this script fires a modal-window and that modal window loads a form called ‘pm_form.php’): When

How to Load Ajax in WordPress

I’m familiar with using ajax in the ordinary way with jQuery. I’ve played around it for a while, but don’t understand what Wordpress needs to get it to work… What I have here is taken from some …

html2canvas save image doesn’t work

I’m rendering a screenshot with html2canvas 0.4.0 and want to save it as image on my webserver. To do so, I’ve written the following function: JavaScript saveJPG.php After the canvas is rendered I can perfectly append it to the HTML body, but saving it on my server result in a corrupted (?) file. I can read the dimensions in IrvanView,
