I want to pass the EntityManager instance into the constructor of my controller, using this code:
namespace AppBundleController;
use SymfonyBundleFrameworkBundleControllerController;
use DoctrineORMEntityManager;
class UserController extends Controller
public function __construct( EntityManager $entityManager )
// do some stuff with the entityManager
I do the constructor injection by putting the parameters into the service.yml file:
# parameter_name: value
# service_name:
# class: AppBundleDirectoryClassName
# arguments: ["@another_service_name", "plain_value", "%parameter_name%"]
class: AppBundleControllerUserController
arguments: ['@doctrine.orm.entity_manager']
the service.yml is included in the config.yml and when I run
php bin/console debug:container app.user_controller
I get:
Information for Service "app.user_controller"
------------------ -------------------------------------
Option Value
------------------ -------------------------------------
Service ID app.user_controller
Class AppBundleControllerUserController
Tags -
Public yes
Synthetic no
Lazy no
Shared yes
Abstract no
Autowired no
Autowiring Types -
------------------ -------------------------------------
However, calling a route which is mapped to my controller, I get:
FatalThrowableError in UserController.php line 17: Type error: Argument 1 passed to AppBundleControllerUserController::__construct() must be an instance of DoctrineORMEntityManager, none given, called in /home/michel/Documents/Terminfinder/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/Controller/ControllerResolver.php on line 202
I cant figure out, why the EntityManager is not getting injected?
When using the base classController.php
the Container
is usually auto-wired by the framework in theControllerResolver
Basically you are trying to mix up how things actually work.
To solve your problem you basically have two solutions:
- Do no try to inject the dependency but fetch it directly from the Container from within your action/method.
public function listUsers(Request $request)
$em = $this->container->get('doctrine.orm.entity_manager');
- Create a controller manually but not extend the Controller base class; and set ip up as a service
To go a bit further on this point, some people will advise to do not use the default Controller provided by Symfony.
While I totally understand their point of view, I’m slightly more moderated on the subject.
The idea behind injecting only the required dependencies is to avoid and force people to have thin controller, which is a good thing.
However, with a little of auto-determination, using the existing shortcut is much simpler.
A Controller
/ Action
is nothing more but the glue between your Views
and your Domain
Prevent yourself from doing too much in your Controller
using the ContainerAware
A Controller
can thrown away without generate business changes in your system.