I am trying to make a basic form that signs a new player up for a sport. This is taken from the Symfony example at:https://symfony.com/doc/current/form/dynamic_form_modification.html#form-events-submitted-data
The Code
I have 3 entities:
PlayerList https://github.com/ChimeraBlack1/Symphart/blob/main/src/Entity/PlayerList.php
Sport https://github.com/ChimeraBlack1/Symphart/blob/main/src/Entity/Sport.php
Position https://github.com/ChimeraBlack1/Symphart/blob/main/src/Entity/Position.php
I have a form:
NewPlayerType https://github.com/ChimeraBlack1/Symphart/blob/main/src/Form/NewPlayerType.php
I have a controller:
NewPlayerController https://github.com/ChimeraBlack1/Symphart/blob/main/src/Controller/NewPlayerController.php
The Error:
Entity of type "DoctrineCommonCollectionsArrayCollection" passed to the choice field must be managed. Maybe you forget to persist it in the entity manager?
I seem to get this error whenever I create a form using the form builder that is of type, “EntityType” like so:Reference: https://github.com/ChimeraBlack1/Symphart/blob/main/src/Form/NewPlayerType.php (line 22)
->add('sport', EntityType::class, [
'class' => Sport::class,
'query_builder' => function(EntityRepository $er) {
return $er->createQueryBuilder('s')
->orderBy('s.sport', 'ASC');
'choice_label' => 'sport',
It seems to me that this is happening because I am referencing “Sport::class” in the “NewPlayerType” form. If I were to reference the “PlayerList::class”, I don’t experience the error. But how do I get fields based on other entities like this to populate on a single form? I’m missing something here conceptually I think…
OK, I figured it out after something like 20 hours of googling, facepalming and rage tears.
The problem was with the relationship I had setup between entities. I had “OneToMany” relationships where I should have had “ManyToOne”.
If you ever you see this issue, re-write your relationships from a “backwards” perspective, and that should do the trick.