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Static counter of subclass instances in PHP

I’m aware of a pattern for adding a static counter to a class to count the number of instances of that class


What I would like to do is to add a couple of subclasses to Vehicle and count instances of those independently


So calling Bike::getCount() and Car::getCount() would get the count of the number of Bikes and Cars respectively

Is this possible without

  • repeating code in the subclasses?
  • setting up some kind of counting array keyed by class name in the superclass?



A lot depends on where you define the count and how you access it. If you have 1 count in the base class, then there is only 1 count. If you have a count in each class, then you need to be aware of how to access the right value. Using self or static is discussed more What is the difference between self::$bar and static::$bar in PHP?


This has both, and in the constructor, it increments them both. This means there is a total of all vehicles and of each type…


gives (not very clear though)…

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