Let say i have identification card number in this format
we can convert the number to birthday by using this code
$data = '720901155172'; $head = substr($data, 0, 6); $year = (int) substr($head, 0, 2); $currentYear = date('Y'); $max = (int) substr($currentYear, 2, 4); $byear = $year + ($year > $max ? 1900 : 2000); $bmth = (int) substr($head, 2, 2); $bday = (int) substr($head, 4, 2); $bdate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime(sprintf('%s-%s-%s', $byear, $bmth, $bday))); echo $bdate;//output : 1972-09-01
how do i select all user that is having birthday today ? is this possible ?
$sql="SELECT ic FROM users";
What I understand is first 6 digits of your ic is YYMMDD. If this is not the case please ignore. Accordingly you need this conversion in sql.
select ic, case when substring(ic,1,2) <Substring(YEAR(NOW()),-2) then Concat('20',substring(ic,1,2),'-' ,substring(ic,3,2),'-', substring(ic,5,2)) else Concat('19',substring(ic,1,2),'-' ,substring(ic,3,2),'-', substring(ic,5,2)) end as derived_date from Users
please update ‘Substring(YEAR(NOW()),-2)’ with your $max, 2 digit year.