Recently, im working on a fullCalendar which consist of a pop up modal on the events, when i click on one of the events, there will be a modal popping out and showing the user the details of the specific event.
I wanted to add in a function where the modal will consists of one image.
Ive looked into several examples available on stackoverflow, but i just doesnt seem to find out the solution which is similar to my code.
My Code
<script> jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $('#calendar').fullCalendar({ header: { left: 'prevYear,nextYear', center: 'title', right: 'prev,next today' }, defaultView: 'month', showNonCurrentDates:false, fixedWeekCount:false, contentHeight:"auto", handleWindowResize:true, events: [ <?php include 'connect.php'; function getColor($date) { $currentDate = date('Y-m-d'); $oneweekDate = date('Y-m-d',strtotime('+1 week')); $eventColor = ''; if($date < $currentDate){ $eventColor = '#FF0000'; } else if($date >= $currentDate && $date < $oneweekDate){ $eventColor = '#FFA500'; } else{ $eventColor = '#008000'; } return $eventColor; } $sql="SELECT * FROM masterlist1 WHERE Tool_Status = 'Active'"; $result=odbc_exec($conn,$sql); while($row=odbc_fetch_array($result)){ $newEnd = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($row['Calibration_Due_Date'])); $color = getColor($newEnd); $id = $row['Form_Tracking_ID']; $ownerID = $row['Owner_I_Employee_ID']; $ownerName = $row['Owner_I_Name']; $calibrator = $row['Calibrator']; $status = $row['Status1']; if($status == 'Pass'){ $statusImage = 'calendarStatusImage/pass.jpg'; } $description = $row['Description1']; $prevDate = date("F j, Y", strtotime($row['Date2'])); $dueDate = date("F j, Y", strtotime($row['Calibration_Due_Date'])); $depart = $row['Department1']; ?> { title: '<?php echo $id?>', start: '<?php echo $newEnd?>', end: '<?php echo $newEnd?>', imageurl : '<image src='<?php echo $statusImage?>'>', calibrator: '<?php echo $calibrator?>', description : '<?php echo $description?>', extendedProps : { ownerid : '<?php echo $ownerID?>', ownername : '<?php echo $ownerName?>', department : '<?php echo $depart?>', prevdate : '<?php echo $prevDate?>', duedate : '<?php echo $dueDate?>', status : '<?php echo $status?>' }, color : '<?php echo $color?>' }, <?php } ?> ], eventRender: function eventRender( event, element, view ) { return ['Both', event.calibrator].indexOf($('#calibrator').val()) >= 0 }, eventClick: function(event) { $("#successModal").modal("show"); $("#successModal .modal-body #para").text(event.title); $("#successModal .modal-body #para1").text(event.extendedProps.ownerid); $("#successModal .modal-body #para2").text(event.extendedProps.ownername); $("#successModal .modal-body #para3").text(event.extendedProps.department); $("#successModal .modal-body #para4").text(event.description); $("#successModal .modal-body #para5").text(event.extendedProps.prevdate); $("#successModal .modal-body #para6").text(event.extendedProps.duedate); $("#successModal .modal-body #para7").text(event.extendedProps.status); } }); $('#calibrator').on('change',function(){ $('#calendar').fullCalendar('rerenderEvents'); }); }); </script>
Is there any relevant examples that i can add in the images ?
So the correction that i did to my code after some guidance from @ADyson,
Modal body
<img id="image" alt="ToolStatusImage">
Ive added this img tag into my modal body and added the below code into my event click.
Event Click
$("#successModal .modal-body #image").attr("src",event.imageurl);
The code works totally fine after that !