I am facing a problem when I use select2
class in select option. When I insert a form data using a field select2
class by ajax call then it is working properly
But when I update that select2
field by ajax calling same form firstly it is not selected value that I inserted first.
ajax response is working properly
cdn, css and javascript integrated properly
I have tried below
Input Field
<div class="form-group"> <label for="inputEmail3" class="col-sm-5 control-label">Status:</label> <div class="col-sm-7"> <select class="form-control select2" name="status_user" id="status_user" style="width:100%;"> <option value="">-Select-</option> <option value="1">Active</option> <option value="0">Inactive</option> </select> </div> </div>
$(document).ready( function () { $('.select2').select2() } );
Ajax Update
$('#status_user').val(''); $.ajax({ type:"post", url:"./cc/xyz.php", data: { row_id: action_id, conditional_value: 14 }, success:function(response){ var responseData = JSON.parse(response); $('#status_user').val(responseData.status_user); } });
I was facing same problem few days ago. I have solved this issue from Select2 Documentation
Replace by this
var statusSelect = $('#status_user');
And in your ajax request add new line
$('#status_user').val(responseData.status_user); statusSelect.append(responseData.status_user).trigger('change'); // Add this line