I’m trying to select sessions that are younger than 6 hours old with this query like so:
"SELECT * FROM sessions WHERE members=1 AND ipRCreator != '$usn' AND tStamp < DATE_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 6 HOURS";
The problem is that the query condition is always false and never manages to find the sessions even when a record actually has a timeStamp of a few seconds ago.
obviously I am very sure that the problem is in the condition of the:
I insert the data records in the table like this:
$timestamp = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$mysqli->query("INSERT INTO sessions (sessionId, members, ipRCreator, tStamp) VALUES('$sId', 1, '$usn', '$timestamp');") ;
I thought the problem was the formatting of the date but I don’t think since the insert works well and the date is correctly inserted in the DB.
This is the sql structure of the table:
`sessionId` text NOT NULL,
`members` int NOT NULL,
`ipRCreator` text NOT NULL,
`gender` text CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci NOT NULL,
`age` int NOT NULL,
`tStamp` timestamp NOT NULL,
`id` int NOT NULL
Where could the problem be? Why does the condition never come true?
So as in this case, I’m trying to fetch this record since the timeStamp is less than 6 hours old with the query I showed; the problem is that the return query is null, it is as if there were no records that have a timeStamp younger than 6 hours (even if it is older it does not work)
To solve this problem I used this query:
SELECT * FROM sessions WHERE members=1 AND ipRCreator != '$usn' AND TIMEDIFF(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, tStamp) < '06:00:00'