I want to change the value of a variable in js file using php, what i tried so far is to get the file contents and try to find a robust regex formula to change the value of the variable:
here is the contents of the js file, keeping in mind that the value can be anything between =
and ;
// blah blah blah
const filename = ""; // it can be filename = ''; or filename = null; or filename = undefined; and so on
// blah blah blah
i tried to get that exact line using this: preg_match
then replaced the value usning this: preg_replace
/(["'])(?:(?=(\?))2.)*?1/is // to get what is between ""
/(?<==)(.*?)(?=;)/is // to get what is between = & ;
then replaced the whole line again in the file usning the first formula: preg_replace
I’m asking is their a better approach, cause i feel this is too much work and not sure about the elegance and performance of what i did so far!
NOTE: its a rollup config file and will get the bundle filename from the controller/method of current php method >> its a specific scenario.
You can use
preg_replace('~^(h*consts+filenames*=s*).+~mi', '$1"NEW VALUE";', $string)
See the regex demo. Details:
– start of as line (due tom
– Group 1: zero or more horizontal whitespaces (h*
, one or more whitespaces (s+
that is enclosed with zero or more whitespaces (s*=s*
– one or more chars other than line break chars as many as possible.
The replacement contains $1
, the replacement backreference that inserts the contents of Group 1 into the resulting string.
See the PHP demo:
$string = "// blah blah blahnnconst filename = "";nn// blah blah blah";
echo preg_replace('~^(h*consts+filenames*=s*).+~mi', '$1"NEW VALUE";', $string);
// blah blah blah
const filename = "NEW VALUE";
// blah blah blah