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Removing “child said into stdout/stderr” prefix from logs in GAE php74 standard environment

I’m running a php74 standard environment in Google App Engine and outputting logs to php://stdout. Unfortunately, all the logs are prefixed with child X said into stdout and all the PHP errors are prefixed with child X said into stderr. Outside of GAE, I’ve addressed this by modifying the php-fpm runtime config to set catch_workers_output = yes but on the standard environment, you can’t change the runtime config, you can only set php.ini changes.

Is there a way to remove this prefix on the standard environment?



As per the App Engine’s Standard configuration reference where all elements are listed, there is no option to remove the log prefix. Since it’s a full list of options, such a feature would be mentioned there if it was supported.

In this case, you may want to create a new Feature request for GCP to consider it.

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