I have a file which has many lines containing ##. I want to remove the part of string after ##.
Here is what I have tried
<?php $file = fopen("testr.txt", "r"); $NewLineExplode = explode(PHP_EOL,$file); $NewString = ''; foreach($NewLineExplode as $eachLine) { $HashExlode = explode('##',$eachLine); $NewString .= $HashExlode[0].'<br>'; } echo $NewString; ?>
testr.txt look like this
citycredits.ru##.widget_banner anvidelabs.org##.widget_banners hcpeople.ru##.widget_board_ads newsoboz.org##.widget_center > noindex softolet.ru##.widget_custom_html edurusnews.ru##.widget_execphp poznamka.ru##.widget_hja_adsense softolet.ru##.widget_media_image yuzhny.info##.widget_media_image > img[width="360"][height="520"]
The output should be like this
citycredits.ru anvidelabs.org hcpeople.ru newsoboz.org softolet.ru
$string = fopen("testr.txt", "r"); $NewString = ''; // Output one line until end-of-file while(!feof($string)) { $HashExlode = explode('##',fgets($string)); $NewString .= $HashExlode[0].'<br>'; } echo $NewString; fclose($string);