I am trying to refresh a select after executing another jQuery. I am creating firstly the select options using cURL, which produces code like this.
$json_dropdown = '[{"id":"1475471145964056","name":"Option1"}, {"id":"935675176941821","name":"Option2"}, {"id":"555309881810660","name":"Option3"}, {"id":"304608093904515","name":"Option4"}]';
Then I have the HTML that looks like htis
<h2>Delete topic</h2> <div class="form-group"> <select class="form-control selectpicker show-tick" name="topic" id="topic_del" data-show-subtext="true" data-live-search="true" showIcon="true" data-style="btn-default" data-size="8" data-width="100%" title="Choose a TOPIC to DELETE..." required></select> </div> <div class="form-group"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-danger" id="delete_topic">Delete Topic</button></span> </div> <div id="results_del"></div>
I am loading the options into the select with this jquery
$('#topic_del').click(function(){ var a = {Topic:<?echo $json_dropdown; ?>} $.each(a.Topic, function topics (key, value) { $("#topic_del").append($('<option></option>').attr('data-tokens',value.id).val(value.id).html(value.name)); //$("#topic").attr('data-tokens',value.id); }); });
Which works fine. Then I have another script to delete an option from the select using ajax
// Delete Topic $('#delete_topic').click(function(){ // bind 'myForm' and provide a simple callback function $(this).prop("disabled", true); // add spinner to button $(this).html( `<i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i> Deleting Topic` ); $(this).removeClass("btn-danger"); $(this).addClass("btn-warning"); var type = $("#type").val(); var action = $("#action_del").val(); var account = $("#account").val(); var topic = $("#topic_del").val(); $.ajax({ type:'POST', data:{ 'type': type, 'action': action, 'account': account, 'topic': topic }, url:'js/actions.php', success: function(data){ $('#results_del').html(data); $('#delete_topic').prop("disabled", false); $('#delete_topic').html("Delete Topic"); $('#delete_topic').addClass("btn-danger"); $('#delete_topic').removeClass("btn-warning"); var a = {Topic:<?echo $json_dropdown; ?>} $.each(a.Topic, function topics (key, value) { $("#topic_del").append($('<option></option>').attr('data-tokens',value.id).val(value.id).html(value.name)); }); } }); return false; });
In this script, what I am trying to achieve is to refresh the options after the delete script is successful, using the same script I am using to initially create the options. It seems I am doing something wrong, but I cannot figure out what.
Just realized that if I remove the selectpicker
and try to remove the option that I just deleted from the select in the success like this $("#topic_del option[value='" +topic+ "']").remove();
it will work. However, if I put back the selectpicker
it will not remove the option.
Could it be something with the selectpicker not allowing to do it?
I was able to achieve the functionality thanks to this thread Selectpicker with add or delete values
by adding these two lines in the success
$('.selectpicker option:selected').remove(); $('.selectpicker').selectpicker('refresh');