I am trying to pass a dynamic value using SendGrid’s PHP Library. It works when I pass in a string but I add a dynamic value, I get this error Recoverable fatal error: Object of class SendGridMailMail could not be converted to string in C:xampphtdocsnewvendorsendgridsendgridlibhelperAssert.php on line 30
This one works
$email = new SendGridMailMail(); $email->setFrom("support@example.com", "example"); $email->setSubject("IMPORTANT: Signal failure"); $email->addTo("user@exampl.com", "{$fname}"); $email->addContent("text/plain", "{$message}"); $email->addContent( "text/html", "{$message}" ); $sendgrid = new SendGrid('APIKEY'); try { $response = $sendgrid->send($email); print $response->statusCode() . "n"; print_r($response->headers()); print $response->body() . "n"; } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Caught exception: '. $e->getMessage() ."n"; }
This one fails
$email = new SendGridMailMail(); $email->setFrom("support@example.com", "example"); $email->setSubject("IMPORTANT: Signal failure"); $email->addTo("{$email}", "{$fname}"); //this line causes the error $email->addContent("text/plain", "{$message}"); $email->addContent( "text/html", "{$message}" ); $sendgrid = new SendGrid('APIKEY'); try { $response = $sendgrid->send($email); print $response->statusCode() . "n"; print_r($response->headers()); print $response->body() . "n"; } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Caught exception: '. $e->getMessage() ."n"; }
Any suggestion would be appreciated Thanks
In the example where it fails, $email
is not a string containing an email address. It is an instance of SendGridMailMail()
Calling it as a string won’t work, because it looks like
does not implement the Stringable interface.
You can prevent accidents like these by using better variable names like
$mailer = new SendGridMailMail();
$sendGridMail = new SendGridMailMail();