I’m looking for something to make this kind of input in Symfony:
I don’t know which kind of input and how to deal with the Symfony controller.
$form = $this->createFormBuilder($newLot)
->add('lotType',null,['required' => false])
->add('lotGenre',null,['required' => false])
->add('prix',null,['required' => false])
->add('prix', null,['required' => false])
->add('superficie', RangeType::class,['required' => false])
->add('createdAt', RangeType::class,['required' => false])
Here is a part of my controller but not sure it’s useful.
If you want to represent a start date linked to an end date, I’d advise you to create two DateType fields, like this:
->add('startDate', DateType::class, [some_parameters])
->add('endDate', DateType::class, [some_parameters])
Then, you design your two fields in your template, by adding the “à” cell between them.
The RangeType is not appropriate to render dates, it renders this kind of input.