I am trying to query my WordPress server to echo the date of the last modified post.
In this case the database name is local and I am checking the posts table.
My current code is close to what I need, it will display the date and time as Y-m-d H:i
(2021-01-13 12:18)
<?php global $wpdb; $result = $wpdb->get_results("SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM local LIKE 'wp_posts';"); foreach ($result as $data) { $updatetime = $data->Update_time; } $date = substr($updatetime, 0, -3); echo $date; ?>
How do remove the time and display the date as d.n.Y
You can use strtotime
for that….
$date = substr($updatetime, 0, -3); // assuming this produces 2021-01-13 12:18 echo date("d.m.Y", strtotime($date)); // 13.01.2021