Code i tried but it display 1 value. I want to use addItem to insert more data and display it on my invoice pdf. I can grab all my data using eloquent but dont know how to insert into the class given.
public function invoice($id) { $motorcycle_service = MotorcycleService::findOrFail($id); foreach ($motorcycle_service->items as $item){ $invoice = ConsoleTVsInvoicesClassesInvoice::make() ->addItem($item->item->name, $item->item->price, $item->quantity, $item->id) ->number($motorcycle_service->id) ->with_pagination(true) ->duplicate_header(true) ->date(Carbon::parse($motorcycle_service->created_date)) ->notes('Expected date and time to complete: ' . Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $motorcycle_service->expected_date)->format('d/m/Y h:i a')) ->customer([ 'name' => $motorcycle_service->motorcycle->customer->name, 'phone' => $motorcycle_service->motorcycle->customer->phone_no, 'id' => $motorcycle_service->motorcycle->customer->id, 'email' => $motorcycle_service->motorcycle->customer->email ]) ->show($motorcycle_service->id); } return $invoice; }
Example code at
$invoice = ConsoleTVsInvoicesClassesInvoice::make() ->addItem('Test Item', 10.25, 2, 1412) ->addItem('Test Item 2', 5, 2, 923) ->addItem('Test Item 3', 15.55, 5, 42) ->addItem('Test Item 4', 1.25, 1, 923) ->addItem('Test Item 5', 3.12, 1, 3142) ->addItem('Test Item 6', 6.41, 3, 452) ->addItem('Test Item 7', 2.86, 1, 1526) ->addItem('Test Item 8', 5, 2, 923, '') ->number(4021) ->with_pagination(true) ->duplicate_header(true) ->due_date(Carbon::now()->addMonths(1)) ->notes('Lrem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.') ->customer([ 'name' => 'Èrik Campobadal Forés', 'id' => '12345678A', 'phone' => '+34 123 456 789', 'location' => 'C / Unknown Street 1st', 'zip' => '08241', 'city' => 'Manresa', 'country' => 'Spain', ]) ->download('demo');
Create single instance of Invoice and fill it with items. Then call ->show()… not sure is the ->show() method that you need but you can experiment with it.
public function invoice($id) { $motorcycle_service = MotorcycleService::findOrFail($id); $invoice = ConsoleTVsInvoicesClassesInvoice::make() ->number($motorcycle_service->id) ->with_pagination(true) ->duplicate_header(true) ->date(Carbon::parse($motorcycle_service->created_date)) ->notes('Expected date and time to complete: ' . Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $motorcycle_service->expected_date)->format('d/m/Y h:i a')) ->customer([ 'name' => $motorcycle_service->motorcycle->customer->name, 'phone' => $motorcycle_service->motorcycle->customer->phone_no, 'id' => $motorcycle_service->motorcycle->customer->id, 'email' => $motorcycle_service->motorcycle->customer->email ]); foreach ($motorcycle_service->items as $item){ $invoice->addItem($item->item->name, $item->item->price, $item->quantity, $item->id) } return $invoice->show($motorcycle_service->id); }