I am building a new intranet server (Windows 7) replacing an old one and have installed Apache 2.4.33 and PHP 7.2.7, The services start up just fine and I can browse html pages from the server, the phpinfo in this test page does not show any results, the IP address does work and displays the correct information.
My test page is test.php and contains
echo "IP Address " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
httpd.conf extract
LoadModule php7_module "c:/php/php7apache2_4.dll"
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
PHPIniDir "c:/php"
I am using the development php.ini supplied with php.
I have tried all the relevant solutions in this post phpinfo() is not working
How do I identify and correct the problem from here?
Removed, then redownloaded and reinstalled Apache and php. It is now working correctly.