This is a sample of the array of elemnts to sort:
$items = array 0 => object(stdClass)[8] public 'id' => string '110' (length=3) public 'brand_id' => string '18' (length=2) array 0 => string ' OT-708' (length=7) public 'failed' => null public 'diff' => null 1 => object(stdClass)[9] public 'id' => string '161' (length=3) public 'brand_id' => string '18' (length=2)
So, let’s say I want to sort by brand_id
This is my usort callback function:
function _compare($itemA, $itemB){ if ($itemA->brand_id == $itemB->brand_id) { return 0; } else{ return strcmp($itemA->brand_id, $itemB->brand_id); //just an example... } }
And when I do usort($items, '_compare'); var_dump($items);
nothing happens. Any clues on how to troubleshoot this?
Ok, I’ve simplified the problem to this:
function cmp($itemA, $itemB){ return -1; } if (usort($items, "cmp")) echo 'I just sorted!'; else echo 'Cant sort!';
It always prints ‘Cant sort!‘
Finally, I discovered the source of this error. The problem was that this code was inside a class.
If that’s your case, then you should call usort this way:
usort($items, array("MyClass", "compare_method"));
Furthermore, if your Class is in a namespace, you should list the full namespace in usort.
usort($items, array('FullNamespaceWebPageInformation', 'compare_method'));