How can I rename keys in an array?
Start with this array named $start_array,
[0] => [date] => 2012-05-01 [revenue] => 100 [1] => [date] => 2012-05-02 [revenue] => 200
and change the keys for ‘date’ and ‘revenue’ so you get this $final_array:
[0] => [x] => 2012-05-01 [y] => 100 [1] => [x] => 2012-05-02 [y] => 200
Here is my terrible attempt which works but is messy.
$final_array = array(); $max = count($start_array); for ($j = 0; $j < $max; $j++) { $final_array[] = array('x' => $start_array[$j]['dateid'], 'y' => $start_array[$j]['ctrl_version_revenue'] ); }
foreach( $start_array as &$arr ) { $arr["x"] = $arr['date']; unset( $arr['date'] ); $arr['y'] = $arr['revenue']; unset( $arr['revenue'] ); } unset($arr);
Try the above code.