I am getting exactly what I need from my PHP code and query; except I am having a really difficult time brining that data up to the front-end in order to populate an HTML dropdown.
Here is what I have on the PHP side; all working fine
$app->get('/dlteopt', function ($request, $response, $args) {
$which = $_GET['id'];
if ($which) {
if ($which == 'table_1'){
$sql = "SELECT item1 FROM daya.blahblah";
} else if ($which == 'table_2'){
$sql = "SELECT item2 FROM daya.blahblah2";
} else if ($which == 'table_3'){
$sql = "SELECT item3 FROM daya.blahblah3";
$stid = oci_parse($this->db, $sql);
$list = array();
while ($list = oci_fetch_array($stid, OCI_ASSOC)) {
$list[] = $list;
var_dump($list); // this outputs the correct array I need, but cant bring it to front correctly into dropdown
if (!@oci_execute($stid)) {
$error = oci_error($stid);
throw new Exception($error['message']);
Here is the jQuery; the response
console log is only the flag (which
) variable I am sending with the get
request which determines which table to query via a user scenerio. the array I need is ommitted…
let which = $(frm).attr("id");
$.get('dlteopt', {id: which }, function (response) {
console.log(response); // this just consoles as the $which var no array
$.each(response, function(index, value) {
// started logic to append values in option; but no array or obj found/brought in to iterate through, can handle this part if can get array
html drop down; just standard HTML select with a placeholder until populated:
<select name='agent' id='agent'><option>Loading</option></select>
what am I doing wrong here? or missing/forgetting?
Update: I am stuck on an error on the front-end, below is what console.log(response)
outputs executed within my $.get
. The data within the error log is correct; I just can’t seem to access it properly… 2D array issue?
jquery.js:502 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for
'length' in
array(2) {
string(8) "FAI-FSDO"
array(1) {
string(8) "FAI-FSDO"
array(2) {
string(8) "SAC-FSDO"
array(1) {
string(8) "SAC-FSDO"
} etc ..
Consider the following PHP.
public function process($which) {
if ($which == 'a_table1'){
$sql = "SELECT a_table1 FROM data.blah1";
} else if ($which == 'a_table2'){
$sql = "SELECT a_table2 FROM data.blah2";
} else if ($which == 'a_table3'){
$sql = "SELECT a_table3 FROM data.blah3";
$stid = oci_parse($this->db, $sql);
if (!@oci_execute($stid)) {
$error = oci_error($stid);
throw new Exception($error['message']);
$myData = array();
while ($list = oci_fetch_array($stid, OCI_ASSOC)) {
array_push($myData, $list);
header('Content-Type: application/json');
echo json_encode($myData);
} else {
header('Content-Type: application/json');
echo json_encode(array("error" => "WHICH not assigned"));
This should then send back JSON Data of the Array.
You can then use this in your Each Loop to build the Options.
var which = $(frm).attr("id");
$.get('dlteopt', {id: which }, function (response) {
$.each(response, function(index, value) {
You can also simplify your PHP Output so it’s just the result array of items.
$myData = array();
while ($list = oci_fetch_array($stid, OCI_ASSOC)) {
array_push($myData, $list['A_ID']);
Then you loop will also be simplified.
$.each(response, function(index, value) {