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PHP preg_split, split at | and check for minimum 3 chars

I want to separate at the “|” and check the length to at least 3 characters

$input_line = "test test | teste test test3 | test test 4"

preg_split('/(.|.)/', $input_line);

// Have tried: preg_split('/(.|.)^[a-z0-9*]{3}$/', $input_line);

Can anybody help me?



I think doing this in a regex might not be the best tool for the job, but if you want to use it here might be a possibility:

(?:^||)           # start at the start of a line or with a `|`
([^|]{3,})         # before the next '|', make sure it has length >= 3
(?:||$|n)        # up until the next '|' or 'n' or '$'

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Again though, I think doing a string split would be much better though.

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