I am trying to extract a number from a string. The string is a filename, will be variable in its contents, but will end with a space followed by a number.
So strings like a b 1212
, a 1212
. I am not sure if filenames ever end up with a whitespace at the beginning, but something like 1212
should not produce a match.
I am using so far
preg_match('#^(.)* (d*)$#', $str, $matches);
but that returns a match for case of something like 1212
I thought about reversing the string and doing this
preg_match('#^(d*)(s*)(.*)$#', strrev($str), $matches);
and checking if $matches[1] != ''
and that seems to work, but I am trying to better understand regex, so that I can do this without the reverse, and figure out proper pattern for the case get number at end of string, which is always preceded by a space, and where that space in turn is always preceded but anything
You can try this approach:
preg_match("/^S.* (bd+)$/", $str, $matches);
echo end($matches)."n";
For instance if you use the following variable:
$str = "1234 lkjsdhf ldjfh 1223";
The call to end($matches)
will return 1223
Whereas if you use the following variable:
$str = " 1212";
call to end($matches)
will remain empty.