I’ve got a weird issue, weird as in nothing comes up on Google. I’m trying to parse an ini file full of HTTP status codes, StatusCodes.ini. I’ve tested in three different environments, locally (WAMP) on a shared host (Hostmonster.com) and now on a dedicated machine running CentOS w/ CPanel/WHM. The first two environments seem to work fine, however on the dedicated machine I’m getting a warning:
Warning: syntax error, unexpected TC_CONSTANT in StatusCodes.ini on line 8
when running:
$ini = parse_ini_file('StatusCodes.ini',true);
$codes = $ini['codes'];
the ini file looks like:
[codes] 100 = Continue 101 = Switching Protocols 200 = OK 201 = Created 202 = Accepted 203 = Non-Authoritative Information 204 = No Content 205 = Reset Content 206 = Partial Content 300 = Multiple Choices 301 = Moved Permanently 302 = Found 303 = See Other 304 = Not Modified 305 = Use Proxy 307 = Temporary Redirect 400 = Bad Request ...
In the case you don’t want to count, 204 = No Content, is line 8. I’ve taken the line out and nothing changes. Any suggestions?
The problem, as you noted, is with the line 204 = No Content
This is because of the No
which is a special value within the INI file (along with others). The INI parser gets to this line and reads the No
value for the 204
key, then finds the trailing <space>Content
text which generates the error.
The PHP manual notes (e.g. on the page for parse_ini_file
results in""
results in"1"
The simple fix would be to enclose all of the values in double-quotes, or at the very lease those which start with the INI keywords, like:
100 = "Continue"
101 = "Switching Protocols"
200 = "OK"
201 = "Created"
202 = "Accepted"