I have a simple script where I enter some text on my search bar and PHP echo the first character from the text.
My code:
$data = strval($_GET['u']); $ss = substr($data, 0,1); if ($ss == "@") { echo("@"); } else if ($ss == "#") { echo("htttt"); } else { echo($ss); }
Here everything is working fine but the # is neither being compared nor being echo. It just shows blank. I tried to convert it into a string using strval() but it’s not working too! What should I do?
my ajax call from jquery:
$("#search").on('input', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); var sv = $("#search").val(); $.get('phpscripts/short/searchdata.php?u='+sv, function(data) { $("#s-h").text(data); }); });
Actually, #
is a fragment that is not sent to the server and also the part coming after it. So you will never get # by $_GET['u']
, until you decode it.
Since the UPDATE you can control the querystring. So encode query in Client side (JS). Then decode it in Server side (PHP) back.
encodeURIComponent("#"); // %23
urldecode('%23'); // #