I have working code, which inserts data into csv file. Here is a part of it:
if (isset($_POST['array'])) { foreach ($_POST['array'] as $loop) { $txt = $txt . $loop['name'] . ";" . $loop['email']; $txt .="n"; } }
Instead of csv, i would like it to insert data into mysql database, so i have simply changed the code to:
if (isset($_POST['array'])) { foreach ($_POST['array'] as $loop) { $sql = "insert into persons (Name, Email) values ('" . $loop['name'] . "', '" . $loop['email'] . "')"; } }
Only the last record is saved into the persons table. There are no errors, but all the previous records except last are not inserted. Why?
The reason why it doesn’t work is because you never execute your SQL query anywhere.
To execute the query you should first prepare the statement and then bind the params and execute.
// Your connection to DB mysqli_report(MYSQLI_REPORT_ERROR | MYSQLI_REPORT_STRICT); $mysqli = new mysqli('localhost', 'username', 'password', 'dbname'); $mysqli->set_charset('utf8mb4'); // always set the charset if (isset($_POST['array'])) { $stmt = $mysqli->prepare('INSERT INTO persons (Name, Email) VALUES (?,?)'); foreach ($_POST['array'] as $loop) { $stmt->bind_param('ss', $loop['name'], $loop['email']); $stmt->execute(); } }