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PHP insert br tag after 2nd Word of a Given String

I’m trying to insert <br/> tag after 2nd word of a given string, but it crops some words of my string, can anyone help to fix the code on this

$pos = 1;
$string  = 'Lorem Imsem Dollar Country';
$words = explode(" ", $string);
$new_array = array_slice($words, 0, $pos, true) +
    array($pos => '<br/>') +
    array_slice($words, $pos, count($words) - 1, true) ;
$new_string = join(" ",$new_array);
echo $new_string;



You can use array_splice :

$pos = 1;
$string  = 'Lorem Imsem Dollar Country';
$words = explode(" ", $string);
array_splice( $words, $pos, 0, '<br>' );
$new_string = join(" ",$words);
echo $new_string;
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