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PHP Group Array By result of function on value

I have an array that’s basically a simple collection of objects.



All instances of the same class. I then want to perform a map or filter to group these by a value in those objects.


And what I want is a result like this, where all the objects are sorted by their user ids:


Looking for a way to do this cleanly with array functions to avoid a messy foreach and overwriting a variable. I have a few ideas but knowing PHP there’s probably a standard function that does it.



array_map() won’t allow you to declare the keys as you iterate.

array_reduce() is an appropriate function for this task; it is also indicative of the fact that the first level in the output array will likely have a smaller count than the original array.


This will iterate all rows in $objs and push each encountered object as a new element in a group based on the returned userId.

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