Can anyone help me to solve this issue? I’ve changed PHP version form 7.4 to 8 and got this error:
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: implode(): Argument #2 ($array) must be of type ?array, string given in /home/iranhfc/ Stack trace: #0 /home/iranhfc/ implode() #1 /home/iranhfc/ require_once('/home/iranhfc/m...') #2 /home/iranhfc/ PixflowFramework::Pixflow_Require_Files() #3 /home/iranhfc/ require_once('/home/iranhfc/m...') #4 /home/iranhfc/ include('/home/iranhfc/m...') #5 /home/iranhfc/ require_once('/home/iranhfc/m...') #6 /home/iranhfc/ require_once('/home/iranhfc/m...') #7 /home/iranhfc/ require_once('/home/iranhfc/m...') #8 /home/iranhfc/ require('/home/iranhfc/m...') #9 {main} thrown in /home/iranhfc/ on line 63
The code:
if(strpos(implode(get_option('active_plugins'),' '),"bookly")>0){ $library_to_include[]='bookly'; }
As @GetSet stated, the arguments in implode
are the wrong way round.
if(strpos(implode(' ', get_option('active_plugins')),"bookly")>0){ $library_to_include[]='bookly'; }