Hello I’am trying to execute a shell command in my php script but it is not working. My php script :
//I save the Order $holdedOrder->save(); $id = $holdedOrder->id; $old_path = getcwd(); chdir(__DIR__.'/../'); $scriptFile = 'anacron_job_unhold_order.sh'; $bool = file_exists($scriptFile); //$bool is true ! //this command works in shell but not in here do not know why $s = shell_exec("echo "/usr/bin/bash $scriptFile $id" | /usr/bin/at now +$when"); chdir($old_path); return [$s,$bool];
$when has a valid value 4 hours
or 4 days
The command will be :
echo bash anacron_job_unhold_order.sh 29 | at now +1 minutes
the output is null. Trying it with exec()
is returning 127 code
Edit : I removed www-data from /etc/at.deny and still the same problem
The command shell_exec("echo "/usr/bin/bash $scriptFile $id" | /usr/bin/at now +$when");
is probably causing the issue, you should take a closer look on how at
The command should be something like
at [options] [job...]
To give a job to at
from the command instead of STDIN, use heredoc syntax
at now + 1 minute <<< 'touch /tmp/test'
So the PHP code should be something like;
$s = shell_exec("/usr/bin/at now + {$when} <<< '/usr/bin/bash {$scriptFile} {$id}'"); exec($s, $output, $return_var);