I’m working on a small hoppy project where I want to replace a specific page on a URL. Let me explain:
I’ve got the URL
I want to keep the URL but replace the last segment /low/
with /high/
so the new URL is:
I’ve tried different explode, split and splice but I just can’t seem to wrap my head around it and make it work. I can change the entire URL but not just the last segment and save it in a new variable.
I’m pretty confidence that it is a pretty straight forward case but I’ve never worked that much with arrays / string-manipulation in PHP so I’m pretty lost.
I guess that I have to first split the URL up in segments, using the “” to separate it (I tried that but have problems by using explode("", $string))
and then replace the last low
with high
Hope someone could help or point me in the right direction to what methods to use for doing this.
You took for /.
$url = explode('/', rtrim($url, '/'));
if (end($url) == 'low') {
$url[count($url)-1] = 'high';
$url = implode('/', $url) .'/';