Trying to add HTML tags around the first word in each new line in WooCommerce short description and validate that the file exist. If it exist it will output a link.
I tried this:
$string = $short_description; $keys = array('a1', 'a2', 'a3'); $patterns = array(); foreach($keys as $key) $patterns[] = '/b('.$key.')b/i'; echo preg_replace($patterns, '<a href="'.$product->get_sku().'/'.$product->get_sku().'$0.pdf">$0</a>', $string); $url = preg_replace($patterns, '' .$product->get_sku(). '/' .$product->get_sku(). '$0.pdf', $string); $handle = @fopen($url,'r'); if($handle !== false){ ?> <?php echo preg_replace($patterns, '<li><a href="'.$product->get_sku().'/'.$product->get_sku().'$0.pdf">$0</a></li>', $string);?> <?php } else {?> <?php echo preg_replace($patterns, '<li>$0</li>', $string);?>
This is as close I could get, the limitation is that you need to add all words that needs to be changed (will be total 200+) and also the validation $url is not working as it echos the $string aswell.
So how can I either get the $url correct or is there a better way to wrap html tags to the first word on each new line?
Got it working with:
$s = strip_tags($short_description, '<br>'); $rows = explode( "n", $s ); foreach( $rows as $r ){ echo preg_replace('/^([^ ]*)/', '$1', $r); }
and then with
if is_readable
to output link or not