I am making a website with PayPal integration and I’m looking at the tutorial … In sandbox everything works fine, but in Live it’s not working…
The point is, the payment is well executed, but then I try to retrieve the order informations and I get :
<br />
<b>Fatal error</b>: Uncaught Error: Class 'PayPalCheckoutSdkCoreLiveEnvironment' not found in /api/sources/Classes/PaypalClient.php:25
Stack trace:
#0 /api/sources/Classes/PaypalClient.php(16): PayPalClient::environment()
#1 /api/sources/Controllers/PaymentController.php(116): PayPalClient::client()
#2 [internal function]: PaymentController->update()
#3 /api/vendor/pecee/simple-router/src/Pecee/SimpleRouter/Route/Route.php(119): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
#4 /api/vendor/pecee/simple-router/src/Pecee/SimpleRouter/Router.php(286): PeceeSimpleRouterRouteRoute->renderRoute(Object(PeceeHttpRequest))
#5 /api/vendor/pecee/simple-router/src/Pecee/SimpleRouter/SimpleRouter.php(52): PeceeSimpleRouterRouter->routeRequest()
#6 /api/sources/autoload.php(23): PeceeSimpleRouterSimpleRouter::start()
#7 /api/autoloader.php(7): require_once('/home/soinsdesz...')
#8 /api/public/index.php in <b>/api/sources/Classes/PaypalClient.php</b> on line <b>25</b><br />
This is my PaypalClient.php class :
use PayPalCheckoutSdkCorePayPalHttpClient;
use PayPalCheckoutSdkCoreSandboxEnvironment;
use PayPalCheckoutSdkCoreLiveEnvironment;
class PayPalClient
* Returns PayPal HTTP client instance with environment that has access
* credentials context. Use this instance to invoke PayPal APIs, provided the
* credentials have access.
public static function client()
return new PayPalHttpClient(self::environment());
* Set up and return PayPal PHP SDK environment with PayPal access credentials.
* This sample uses SandboxEnvironment. In production, use LiveEnvironment.
public static function environment()
return (ENV === "prod") ? new LiveEnvironment(PAYPAL_CLIENT_ID, PAYPAL_PRIVATE_KEY) : new SandboxEnvironment(PAYPAL_CLIENT_ID, PAYPAL_PRIVATE_KEY);
Can anyone help me please?
Ok … I found the solution … So …
In the tutorial it’s said : “use LiveEnvironment instead” … It’s WRONG (thanks PayPal!!! Really) the correct class name is ProductionEnvironment !
Can PayPal modify his tutorial please : https://developer.paypal.com/docs/checkout/reference/server-integration/setup-sdk/