as the title says..
My project was hashing passwords properly until recently I noticed that passwords of new users dont get hashed while it is supposed to be as I am using Hash::make and I used Hash on the top of the controller. Please Help… here is my User controller I am using laravel 5.6 if this would help…
namespace AppHttpControllersAuth; use AppUser; use Hash; use AppHttpControllersController; use IlluminateSupportFacadesValidator; use IlluminateFoundationAuthRegistersUsers; use IlluminateHttpRequest; class RegisterController extends Controller { use RegistersUsers; protected $redirectPath = '/admin'; protected function validator(array $data) { return Validator::make($data, [ 'f_name' => 'required|string|max:255', 'user_id' => 'required|string|max:255|unique:person', 'm_name' => 'required|string|max:255', 'g_name' => 'required|string|max:255', 's_name' => 'required|string|max:255', 'address' => 'required|string|max:255', 'email' => 'required|string|email|max:255|unique:person', 'field_of_study'=> 'string|max:255', 'gender' => 'required|boolean', 'b_date' => 'required|date|max:255', 'type' => 'required|integer|max:3', 'job_title' => 'string|max:255', 'orgnaization' => 'required|string|max:255', 'sector' => 'boolean', 'mobile' => 'required|string|min:10', 'password' =>'required|string|min:10', ]); } protected function create(array $data) { return User::create([ 'f_name' => $data['f_name'], 'user_id' => $data['user_id'], 'm_name' => $data['m_name'], 'g_name' => $data['g_name'], 's_name' => $data['s_name'], 'address' => $data['address'], 'field_of_study' => $data['field_of_study'], 'gender' => $data['gender'], 'b_date' => $data['b_date'], 'type' => $data['type'], 'job_title' => $data['job_title'], 'orgnaization' => $data['orgnaization'], 'mobile' => $data['mobile'], 'sector' => $data['sector'], 'email' => $data['email'], 'password' => Hash::make($data['password']), ]); } public function register(Request $request) { if($user=User::create($request->all())) { return redirect('Admin')->with('message', 'done'); } else { return redirect()->back()->with('error', 'error'); } } }
and here is my model
protected $fillable = [ 'f_name','m_name','g_name','s_name','address','user_id','field_of_study','gender','b_date','type','job_title','orgnaization','mobile','sector', 'email', 'password', ]; protected $hidden = [ 'password', ];
if ($user = $this->create($request->all()))
instead of
You’re not calling your controller function, you’re just doing User::create. that’s why none of your data is being hashed