This is where I set the number of pages and starting point:
<?php $connection = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root"); $db = mysqli_select_db($connection, 'db_hotelreservation'); if(isset($_GET['page'])){ $page = $_GET['page']; } else { $page = 1; } $number_per_page = 02; $start_from = ($page-1)*02; echo "$start_from"; $query = "SELECT * FROM tbl_reservation WHERE room_status = 'Pending' OR room_status = 'Booked' LIMIT $start_from,$number_per_page"; $query_run = mysqli_query($connection, $query); $resultCheck = mysqli_num_rows($query_run); ?>
This is where the looping and the buttons:
<?php $query_result = "SELECT * FROM tbl_reservation WHERE room_status = 'Pending' OR room_status = 'Booked'"; $result_query = mysqli_query($connection,$query_result); $total_records = mysqli_num_rows($result_query); echo "Total Records: $total_records <br>"; $total_page = ceil($total_records/$number_per_page); echo "Total Pages: $total_page <br>"; for($i=1;$i<$total_page;$i++){ echo "<a href='SuperAdminReserveManage.php?page=".$i."' class='btn btn-primary'>$i</a>"; } ?>
Total Records: 8
Total Pages: 4
But then it only prints 3 buttons, kinda confused where did I go wrong.
my guess is you’re starting from 1 instead of 0 or use
for($i=1;$i<=$total_page;$i++){ ....