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Extract images or charts from XLSX with PHP?

I have been trying to extract images and charts from an Xlsx file using the phpspreadsheet libray; I have however been unsuccessful. Indeed, the piece of code I wrote is unable to find any image or …

Can’t get image URL with $_GET and display image

I’m trying to use a parameter in the URL to get a Image Path, then display the image on the Website. I have tried this, but it doesn’t work. URL is like: https://DOMAIN/file.php?logo=https://DOMAIN/IMG/image.png I have also tried the (No quotation marks but that didn’t work either. Thanks! Answer Since $logo is a PHP variable, so if you don’t call it

Multiple post loops in WordPress

I’ve built a site for a health practitioner with CPT of: (single-injuries.php, single-services.php, single-testimonials.php, single-partners.php) and I have the appropriate (archive-injuries.php, …

WordPress same custom post template for different languages

I have a Wordpress webpage where a former web developer created a custom post type using Pods pulgin, on this custom post type there is a post that we can call “Ejemplo”, that post uses content-single-ejemplo.php to be build but the english version “Example” is being created with content-single.php. What should I do to use the same content-single-example.php for the

Laravel 7 not finding with scopes

I have a model called Shift on my application, and I’ve defined my relationships and scopes on it like this: Relationship: With scope: Now, when I retrieve shifts and try to call these scopes, I do the following: However, I get this error… I’m not sure why this is happening? It should pick up the scope shouldn’t it? Answer when
