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Filter qry to get data according to Another Table

This is query to get all categories available in database. to get this output So, i am trying to get only that categories listed in rma_mapping_category(this has category_id column) so i tried this, but syntax got wrong by adding this(AND rma_mapping_category rma)… ///////////////////// Also tried this… ////////////////////// by this i am getting all categories rather than just rma_mapping_category Same result

Symfony 5 get fail object not found by the @ParamConverter annotation

I have a form for add users on my event, but when I add the user I try to add a role on this event, but I get this fail when the second function is executed AppEntityEvento object not found by the @ParamConverter annotation. I don’t see the problem, thanks My second function is executed when the first one flush

Regular expression to display >quotes in style

There’s some text in my db with quotes in it. In their raw form they look like this: What I wanted to do is make those quotes look somewhat distinctive from other text – either in php part before they go to the database or when they’re displayed on the page (doesn’t matter much to me, whichever would work). Problem

PHP Class for adding two numbers

I am doing a challenge in PHP with OOP/classes and I am not sure why I am not passing the test case for two random numbers being added together. My syntax must be off somewhere, but I am very new to PHP so I am having trouble figuring it out. Here are the instructions for my challenge: Write a class

VS Code PHP Debugging without xdebug.remote_autostart=1

How can I use the PHP debugger withing VS Code without the following setting in PHP.INI? This setting makes apache extremely slow. Before I used PHPStorm and this supplied a parameter un the URL that triggered the debugger. I wonder if this is possible in VS Code too. I use VS Code 1.53.2 with the PHP extension pck from Felix

Redirect error in php with isset and GET variable

I am trying to make some redirects to lock the page from having a different get variable from what i have defined. But the problem is that I am getting a redirect error which is The page isn’t redirecting properly. I tried different things but I could not solve this problem. I need your help please. It is to note
